SKB medical training toolsOne of our partners has created an “out of the box” packaging solution using a SKB cases. Their customer is Medical Training Tools.

Medical Training Tools was founded in 2014 by 2 sales representatives in the medical devices field who heavily searched for a decent and affordable training tool. After years of successfully introducing new endoscopic accessories such as stents, hemoclips, foreign body instruments and complication management materials they concluded that proper training is essential for healthcare professionals.

Together with Medical Training tools, our partner has developed the Tractus Digestives Box (TDBOX) to bring medical training with animal models to the next level. They use SKB iSeries cases for the following reasons:

Flight proof

The training of healthcare professionals is mostly done on location. So the training kit is being taken onto an airplane all the time. The robustness and indestructibility of the SKB case appealed to them because the content of the case needs to survive these flights time after time.

Easy to handle

Because the case is used in travel and training situations it is moved and handled a lot. That is why Medical Training Tools wanted their training kit to be easy to handle. The relatively light weight of the SKB case and the integrated pull handle and wheels answered to their need.

Good looking!

Another important aspect is the company image of Medical Training Tools that is being presented while training healthcare professionals. They really loved the look and feel of the SKB case, so this was another major reason to choose an SKB case for their training tool.

SKB medical training tools