skb customer reviewA few weeks ago, Chris Lindahl has sent us a message to say a big thank you for saving his guitar. Here is his story:

“I finally managed to track down my dream guitar, an EGC Flying V. Of course it had to be located halfway around the world in Australia. A guitar is in nature a very fragile object and the price tag on this guitar would make any person think twice about shipping it all the way from Australia to Sweden. Well there was one thing that made me feel better about the deal, the guitar came in a SKB case.

Owning several SKB-cases I know for a fact that they can take a beating. When the guitar finally arrived, I was horrified by the shape of the cardboard box that it came in. The box was battered and barely holding together thanks to some well placed DHL-tape marked "DHL REPACKED". Not a good sign.

The horror got worse from there, once inside the cardboard the SKB-case was half open and cracked. My first thought was that I now own a broken guitar. There is no way a guitar can survive this sort of mistreatment.

To my surprise the guitar inside the case was in perfect condition apart from a tiny ding on one of the wings. The SKB case had been cracked wide open and all that was left on the guitar was a small ding. 

skb case review
skb case review
skb case review
skb case review


Later I learned that for some unknown reason DHL decided to trop a fork lift on my guitar. If not for the SKB-case that guitar would have been in a thousand pieces. The case did exactly what it was built for, it took all the damage and saved the guitar.

I own six SKB-cases and I am currently planning on purchasing more. Well it was a short story and I guess I only wanted to say thanks. If not for SKB that guitar would have been destroyed.


To say thank you for sharing his story, we have sent Chris a new guitar case so his guitar is ready for its next trip!